Old Faithful Christian Ranch

Visit our Sister camp in West Yellowstone!
Glacier Meadow Lodge

This is a non-profit Christian camp centered on the Bible and dedicated to evangelism and discipleship. Glacier Meadow's specific focus is on God's Word and what is says about Creation. All science starts with presuppositions, our science begins with God as the Creator. His Word is the frozen record of these events. True science starts with the presupposition that God‘s Word is an accurate account of History. When we explore our world we look to see how it fits within God's Word.
The Loft Ministries

The Loft can offer your group many different ways to enjoy a weekend away from the normal life. As The Loft continues to grow, so does its ministries. The Loft can provide your group with a great summer camp or family get-a-way.
Community Bible Church

Community Bible Church is the head of several key ministries including Jackson Hole Bible College and Jackson Hole Christian Academy. Pastor Don Landis is president of JHBC and is chairman of the board at Answers in Genesis.
Jackson Hole Bible College

Jackson Hole Bible College offers a one-year study program with the goal of communicating a schematic approach of the whole Bible integrated with creation science field trips and hands-on ministry experience. JHBC students reside at Rocky Mountain Lodge, where students study in a setting unique to any other college. Check out the JHBC Web Site and opportunities to grow deeper in your faith!
Answers in Genesis

Visit Answers in Genesis, a ministry dedicated to upholding the authority of the Bible from the very first verse. Rocky Mountain Ministries has an ongoing relationship with AiG in support of its creation science ministry. Answers in Genesis